101-year-old mom forced her son to pull over at sight of snow so she could play

101-year-old mother tells her son to stop the car and the reason is just lovely

There’s no age limit on love, happiness, and a childlike sense of wonder.

And a man named Armand saw the truth of this when he was out driving with his 101-year-old mother

And what happened next warmed not only Armand’s heart, but the hearts of millions of viewers across the world.

In my opinion, you’re never too old to have fun.

That’s something that’s important to remember as you advance in years.

For the most part the limitations of your life are those you impose upon it; even when you’re old and grey, you’re still capable of wowing a room full of people.

This 101-year-old’s reason for stopping was as simple as it was heartwarming — she simply wanted to make snowballs and enjoy the wonderful winter weather. So delightful to see this spirited woman have so much fun. Armand, thanks for sharing this!

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