Couple gets married at the vet so elderly dog can be there for their wedding

Many future brides and grooms have a dream wedding venue for their big day — and usually it isn’t a vet’s office. But that’s where one couple tied the knot, all so their beloved dog could be there for their big day.

Cat Kukla loves her pet dog Bear, and has always dreamed of her pet being part of her wedding day.

“Growing up, I was not very ‘girly’ and hadn’t ever dreamt of a wedding like most little girls did, but I had dreamed of Bear being a part of my wedding, in a little red wagon, since I could remember,” Cat told The Dodo.

She met her husband Jimmy in 2011, and Bear remained an important part of both of their lives. So as they were preparing to say “I do,” they knew they had to fulfill Cat’s longtime dream and have Bear be part of the ceremony.

But Bear has been getting up in years, and the now-17-year-old dog has suffered some health problems lately. And just before the couple were scheduled to get married last month, Bear was hospitalized due to kidney disease.

Just when it seemed that Bear would not be able to attend their wedding, the couple made a heartwarming change of plans.

“I asked Jimmy if he thought we should get married at the vet to ensure Bear would be there with us,” Cat told The Dodo. “His response was, ‘I’d marry you any day, any time.’”

The couple ended up exchanging vows at VCA Veterinary Emergency Service & Veterinary Specialty Center, where Bear was being treated. According to a post from the vet’s office, they held a ceremony in a waiting area with family and friends in attendance.

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