I Discovered My Daughter’s Fiancé on a Date with Another Woman the Day Before Their Wedding and Decided to Set Him Straight

While racing through the city to handle last-minute tasks for my daughter’s wedding, I stumbled upon her fiancé, Stefan, cozying up with another woman! Reluctantly, I informed Marissa, but I also devised a plan to teach Stefan a memorable lesson…

As I scurried around, ticking off chores for my daughter Marissa’s imminent wedding, a persistent unease tugged at me.

Perhaps it was maternal instinct, but something about Stefan, Marissa’s betrothed, had always seemed off. His charm was polished, his smile a little too rehearsed—traits of someone accustomed to having his way without much struggle.

Marissa, having battled with her self-worth, had invested countless hours improving herself at the gym and salon, striving to deserve happiness.

I smiled, feigning ignorance of his misdeeds from the day before.

“She’s dealing with a hairstyling mishap but will be here shortly,” I lied smoothly.

He nodded, visibly uneasy.

As time passed and the band played, the guests’ anticipation mounted. I seized the moment to address everyone.

“Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for joining us. There’s been a slight alteration to today’s proceedings,” I started.

A ripple of surprise went through the crowd as I continued.

“Marissa isn’t here. She’s en route to the honeymoon resort.”

Confusion swept through the attendees. Stefan squirmed noticeably.

“But she did leave something important for us to see,” I added, clicking the remote.

The image of Stefan’s kiss with the other woman filled the screen—a screen intended for their wedding slideshow.

The guests gasped; Stefan’s parents stood, their expressions torn between shock and anger. The murmurs escalated into a collective outcry.

“Marissa isn’t merely delayed,” I told Stefan directly. “She deserves far better than this, and now everyone knows.”

Stefan’s mother confronted me furiously.

“How could you do this?” she seethed. “We financed this wedding!”

I met her glare steadily.

“Your son is responsible for this. He betrayed Marissa, and she’s entitled to walk away,” I countered firmly.

The aftermath was tumultuous. Guests whispered and some departed. Stefan sat deflated, his parents scrambling to manage the fallout.

I phoned Marissa to affirm her decision.

“Mom, I made the right choice,” she affirmed confidently. “I’m certain now.”

“You absolutely did, sweetheart,” I reassured her. “And now, you can move forward without regret.”

Brian and I then enjoyed the wedding buffet before returning home.

What would you have done?

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