Parents Split The Internet For Charging Daughter $200 Rent After She Refused To Go To College

Parents have to make decisions on how to raise their children and not everybody is going to agree with those decisions. This became obvious when parents from Texas decided to begin charging their 19-year-old daughter rent.

Erika and Cody Archie, from Gatesville, Texas have a TikTok following and they decided to share the information on that social media outlet. The decision was to charge their daughter, Kaylee, $200 every month for rent starting in June. It was two weeks after she graduated high school.

The Archies decided to do this because their daughter said she was not going to go to college. The parents defended their decision, saying the $200 a month is pretty cheap to live at your parent’s house.

At first, the Archies did not agree on how to handle the situation but they did agree that this approach teaches a lesson. According to the mother, $200 is cheaper than she eats in food, saying that it is important for her daughter to learn how to manage bills.

Social media had their share of things to say about the situation as well. Some agreed, saying that it was a good learning experience for their daughter but others said that it changes the relationship they have in the family.

This is one of those situations that will continue to be debated, and we will just have to see where it goes from here.

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