Should You Refrigerate Ketchup After Opening? Heinz Ketchup Maker Puts An End To The Age Old Question

When you go grocery shopping, there are certain food items that are refrigerated, others that are frozen, and the bulk of what’s in the middle of the store is setting out at room temperature. Some people might be confused by this and think that if you buy a food on a store shelf that is not refrigerated before you buy it that also means that you don’t have to refrigerate it after you buy it. This isn’t always the case.

If you look closely at many food items that you’ll find on grocery store shelves, many of them have a phrase on them in a small font that reads “refrigerate after opening.” It’s safe to say that not everyone notices this phrase, and some people that see it might choose to ignore it.

One item that is often not refrigerated in the grocery store is ketchup; however, according to Heinz, you are supposed to refrigerate ketchup when you bring it home.

I happen to have a bottle of Heinz ketchup in my kitchen, so I decided to go check and see if it has any wording on it that would indicate that it is supposed to be refrigerated. I had to search the label closely for a minute, but on the back of the label, in small font, it reads “for best results refrigerate after opening.”

Now, Heinz Twitter account is also informing people who have been storing their ketchup at room temperature that they’ve been doing it wrong. Heinz started a debate simply by tweeting, “FYI: Ketchup. goes. in. the. fridge!!!”

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