Stranger snaps photo of family eating ice cream together – days later receives text that changes everything

We just never know how important any given action on any given day can be to someone else.

Since we spend so much of our lives taking care of ourselves, the bulk of our focus is directed inwards, and often we can lose sight of just how much we can affect others, the influence we can have.

That’s why it’s so important – if anyone needed reminding at this stage – for us all to do our utmost to be kind, always. Compassion and good will toward others are traits that never go out of fashion. Quite the opposite, in fact, they’ll forever have a crucial role to play in society.

Joyce Rhinehart was out to get ice cream with her grandson one day, back in 2017, when she spotted a family sitting on a bench nearby. They too were enjoying ice cream, and Joyce claimed she felt a sudden compulsion to take their photo…

As Joyce explained in a later Facebook post: “On June 8th I was at Rita’s Italian Ice with my grandson Blake treating him after his tennis lesson. As we were about to leave, there was this sweet family all sitting together on one of the benches enjoying a custard cone. Something urged me to ask them if I could take their picture…”

Joyce ended up doing just that, before the two families went their separate ways. It was a pleasant, heartwarming exchange like any other, and that would have been that.

Sadly, though, fate had other ideas.

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