The Newest ‘Dry Scooping’ Trend Is Dangerous And Deadly

People around the world visit TikTok on a regular basis to learn a new tip for the kitchen, a workout trend, or perhaps just to watch some dance videos. Love it or hate it, TikTok is here to stay.

Sometimes, there are trends that circulate on TikTok and people quickly pick up on them. It’s amazing that somebody who doesn’t really know what they are talking about can act like an expert and before long, hundreds or perhaps even thousands of people are listening.

TikTok is used for many purposes, but some people use it to get inspiration before going to the gym. They may even decide to follow one of the trends, and that is what we see in the trend of ‘dry scooping.’

If you go to the gym regularly, you probably either take some protein powder ahead of time or you may know somebody who uses it. Those powders are supposed to be mixed with water or another liquid before they are consumed.

The dry scooping trend on TikTok, however, has people putting the powder into their mouths and swallowing it dry. This may seem like a timesaver, but it is actually a dangerous trend.

How dangerous can it be? One young woman said that she had a heart attack after doing it. Others say they have difficulty breathing after having the dry powder enter their lungs.

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